Posts by admin


Lily-Mae died peacefully at home at Easter, our hearts are broken, miss you so much and I will never forget...


Our family dog Casper passed away Easter and they were so supportive and caring. Sleep well beautiful girl we all...


We will miss you every day our beautiful boy. We will always remember your amazing fluffy cuddles. Rip BarneyBoy  💔🐾🐾


I will miss you every day my boy. I will always remember your amazing fluffy cuddles. Rip my beautiful, I...

Unconditional recommendation

Unconditional recommendation

I just want to thank you for taking such good care of Belle after she passed away. From the outset...


We lost our Harley after 11.5 years, he had such a character and ruled the house. We were heartbroken having...

Words cannot express my gratitude

Words cannot express my gratitude

Words cannot express my gratitude to Linda & Lis for everything they helped me with. Their compassion was truly remarkable...

Boris & Laurel

Boris and Laurel amazing Guinea pigsWill be missedThey were so tamed and loving


We had to make the hardest decision ever to let our Pheobe go on Wednesday , she was such a...

Our beautiful Bridget

Our beautiful Bridget

Good morning, Thankyou so much for bringing my Bridget home to me. It was floorless from picking her up at...