Baby White Chickie

Our baby white chickie, we had you since you were just a little chick, and it’s hard to imagine another day without you. You endured so much through the loss of your sisters and through illnesses which you overcame time and time again. You were undoubtedly the most beautiful animal we’d ever seen with your soft, fiery feathers and vibrant red comb; no other chicken compared to you.

I’m sorry I wasn’t there to say goodbye to you, but I hope you know that I was always loving and thinking of you, and praying that you would get better. We all were, but now we have comfort knowing you are no longer in pain but at peace with your sisters. We hope you have all the food, space and freedom you could ever have imagined and deserved.

We already miss you so, so much along with all your quirks and unique habits, but we will hold them dear in our memories of you. We only hope that the life we gave you was fulfilling and that we gave you everything you needed.

We will never forget you, chickie. You will be loved, adored, remembered and missed, forever xxxxxxx