Thank You

Thank so much for the compassion shown when you collected my beautiful dog Ruby yesterday.  In just 24 hours she was returned to me and has been placed on her blanket on the sofa.

As I write this I am still shocked by how quickly she deteriorated and passed away. I was always hopeful we would have longer together and she would make her 13th birthday on 2nd April. Although the vet had said last Tuesday that it would not be long before I would have to make a decision she passed away in her sleep and I did not have to make that final journey to the vets.

I think of all the time we spent together, walks to the beach, sharing an ice cream, rides in the car and snuggling up on the sofa in the evening to name a few.  I will miss stroking those velvet like ears.  Ruby was a fantastic dog and a loyal companion.

I am so grateful to you all at Treasured Friends for being there for me.


Denise Marsh